This studio emphasizes on the poetics of place and the experiential qualities of space in architecture. Its more about how you feel inside of the building and also how do you apply an emotion into the building. This is where you study about 'Genius Loci' and all others research about poetic building and developed on the conceptual design. This studio includes 3 projects which is: PROJECT 1 : MEMORIAL THEMED 'JOURNEY of THE 5 SENSES' This project is an introductory project by which we are required to explore issues of spatial typologies and poetics through simple design exercises. Required to produce 2 precedent studies on linear and concentric typology and 2 designs of linear and concentric based on what have been studied about the precedences. LINEAR PRECEDENT STUDY (BRAZILIAN MUSEUM OF SCULPTURE) CONCENTRIC PRECEDENT STUDY (NEWCASTLE'S ODEON CINEMA) LINEAR MEMORIAL DESIGN (TECHNOLOGY PROGRESSION MEMORIAL) CONCENTRIC MEMORIAL DESIGN (BLAC...
Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Architecture) SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING & DESIGN Taylor's Lakeside University